What are your beliefs about art and the creative process??
I believe that to make art is to step into a portal of discovery.
I believe the art making process is an exercise in trust, a belief that the work will show me the way…the way through the making of it and back out to the world again.
I believe each work of art or body of work has the power to lead the artist to a new series of questions or realizations.
I believe art making gives the artist a new way to look at the world, organize her thoughts, and embrace a belief or an idea.
I believe that although art exists as a visual medium, it is an inner sight that creates the work and infuses it with energy.
I believe the marks made in a work of art are guided by intuition, coming through the artist, but not from the artist.
I believe art is prayer.
I believe art has the power to change its maker and the world.
I believe we are all artists~each with a different medicine or message to share with the world.
I believe art is love made visible.
This piece was first posted in early 2012